Hello and welcome to the silk narratives. The expression wise, beyond her years was coined to cater for people like Lana Al Taweel, my guest for today. Lana grew up in Amman. She studied clinical psychology and is now pursuing her masters at King's College London. Lana's life has been dedicated from an early age to providing comfort and support to those in need, including at times her loved ones, her strong sense of compassion and palpable desire to make a difference in other people's lives has led her to establish the very successful be well, an organization that offers a safe space for those seeking to better understand themselves, a small peaceful revolution in a society where mental health is still not being taken as seriously as it should.
My guest for today is Nadine Sayegh, born in Beirut to Palestinian father and a Syrian mother. Nadine grew up in Vienna, where she's today based. She followed a French education, studied business administration at McGill University in Canada, and worked for over 20 years as a manager for Coca-Cola in Europe, in the areas of finance, risk management, and human resource.
My guest for today is Amman-based art collector and buyer Dina Dabbas Al Rifai. Of Jordanian and German descent, the proud mother of two previously held different roles namely as Editor in Chief of Living Well magazine, and as a business developer at the Royal Film Commission. Today, Dina dedicates her time to what she truly loves: Art, travel and her loved ones.
My guest for today is the very embodiment of positive energy. Arzu Cakmak was born and raised in lower Austria to Turkish parents. She broke every stereotype and proudly wears two capes, the Cape of a lawyer by day and the Cape of a cycling instructor by night at the very hip Supercycle studio in Vienna, where she built her very own community, also known as Arzu’s army- the A-team for short.
My guest for today is a talented artist and the heiress to an incredibly rich family background and history. Both Zaina's grandfathers held important positions in Government. from her father's side, Zaina is the great-granddaughter of Iraq's monarchy Premier Nuri Pasha Al Said, whose memory is cherished by many Iraqis who yearn for Iraq's golden era in modern history.